Sacred Rest Master Class
As a somatic practitioner who supports people on the path to peace with food, it’s…
“The secret raisin society”
In his book “The Hunger Habit”, Dr Jud Brewer talks about “The Secret Raisin Society”…
Accountability is a trap, let me show you why
“I just need someone to keep me accountable. I know what to do.”I hear this…
4 lessons from Somatic Summer Camp
I just returned from leading our summer retreat in Beyul and I want to share…
Were you ever told that you are too much?
Some of us grew up being told we are too much. (Insert me holding a…
We are going on retreat! Jump in!
You are invited tothe Peace with FoodSomatic Summer Camp! (note: our Summer Camp Retreat is…
Boundaries, the freeze response and food
I’ve never told anyone this, but when I wrote my book, it didn’t have a…
Somatic Boundaries Master Class
Early in my work I was finding over and over again that my students who…
The invisible drain of not feeling your emotions
In the midst of managing and surviving our full lives, a silent but profound energy…
A free workshop on the neurobiology of shame and eating
I used to think that I needed to earn my food for the holidays. I…
Learn More A free workshop on the neurobiology of shame and eating
You know how to eat, your education may not be the issue…
If you are someone who’s struggled with emotional eating for most of your life, you…
Learn More You know how to eat, your education may not be the issue…
When you’ve just been out with friends
Has this happened to you? You go out with friends, and have a nice meal.…
Is the cure hidden in the pain?
“And every need brings in what’s needed. Pain bares its cure like a child.” It…
“I’ll do anything to not feel alone…”
It’s common for people who struggle with food to struggle with being alone. “I’ll take…
It’s not enough to just look at the symptoms
8 years of teaching about food and the nervous system, and here is what I…
Why we resist emotion and some steps to take
There are many reasons we resist feeling our emotions, but if we had to give…
Tired of all the shoulds?
“I should really go on a diet…” – she said. And then quickly added: ”But…
What’s right about running away!
I work with many people who feel deeply flawed for not being able to “be…
Are you running on rocket fuel?
Annie Dillard wrote: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our…
What your digestion might say about your boundaries
Many of my students have a hard time saying no. Perhaps this is you, too……
Learn More What your digestion might say about your boundaries
When diet plans don’t go as planned…
I met with a lovely student the other day. He had just begun a new…
Don’t shoot the messenger
Your relationship with your body – your most intimate sensate experience with yourself – is…
She kept searching for a detox
“My weight has gone up and down for years. I am desperate for a detox…
Why you feel tired, heavy and burdened
Body image suffering always starts on the somatic level One of the significant u-turns on…
When the body says No!
Have you read: “When the body says no” by Dr Mate? It was the first…
Freeing the prisoner
A body image story…Read more about Freeing the prisoner
One nest to hold all of you
How do you build a nest for yourself? A nest for all the aspects of…
When cravings hit…and asking the right question
I’ll tell you about a student who was having some intense sweet cravings. She’s been…
I am burnt out, I have nothing left to give
“I am burnt out…I have nothing left to give…” This is what my student shared…
Sacred Rest Camp Nov 11-13, 2020
Do you ever try to rest, but you just can’t? Like you have to do…
I can’t rest
I can’t tell you how often I hear this. You can’t rest. You try to…
Digestion happens in relationship
When we think about digestion, we often might think about the types of foods we…
The ground under your feet
What does grounding mean to you? What do you associate the word with? And what…
Self-regulation for difficult times
It’s been quite the week, lovely friends. I came back from teaching an incredible workshop…
Inner conversation ice-breakers
When I first began to befriend my body it was lot like in that poem…
Why does emotional eating help?
My students generally agree when they emotionally eat it’s almost like a surreal experience. Before…
We can do hard things
It’s true, isn’t it? We can do hard things. When I first started teaching groups…
Eating behaviors as a doorway
Have you ever thought of the enduring character or eating behaviors? About why it is…