I am delighted to support you as you take inspired and compassionate action towards reclaiming the peace with food you have always known is possible!
1. It Starts With The Book
Peace with Self, Peace with Food is a beautifully designed, hands-on guide that will help you understand and how early trauma shaped your nervous system and why emotional eating can be such a strong and recurring pattern in our lives. This book offers solutions and explains what we can do about these painful patterns. It gives you both theory and practical steps that help you loosen the grips of shame and guilt.
Peace with Self, Peace with Food will help you make sense of your personal history and how it has shaped your behaviors. It invites you to enter a process of compassionate self-inquiry and take hopeful action.
The conversation is not just about food, but about your relationship with your innermost self. Achieving peace with ourselves, our bodies and with food is possible. I have lived through the experience myself and know that a brighter future is on the horizon!
2. Take the Introductory Workshop
In this workshop, you will learn how your nervous system responds to overwhelming events. You will understand the way these responses become the foundation for complex eating behaviors that may seem to help in the moment but tend to cause pain in the long run.
The people who have taken this online workshop have experienced immediate relief and freedom from shame, guilt and self-blame. You can walk away with compassion, understanding, and patience with the process. Things can really change overnight with the proper information and support.
The workshop is pre-recorded, so you can watch right away, and also gives you access to the next live workshop
I suggest you complete the pre-recorded workshop, which has three parts, at your own pace. After you’ve watched it, keep your eyes open for the announcement of the next live workshop – where you can come as a guest, ask questions and participate in discussions.
3. Join a 6-Month Transformation Group
This small group format is powerful and focused, all while remaining friendly and easy to access. By joining a group, you’ll have the structure, accountability, and support you’ll need to effectively address your unique personal neurobiological patterns—those adaptations that are at the root of your food behaviors.
The group follows a curriculum that is founded on solid neuroscience education and guided somatic practices that build capacity, resiliency, and stability. By learning how to follow these practices, you can be at peace in your body and recognize it as your trusted and sacred home. This will enable you to bring more honor and respect to your human experience and help you care for yourself without pressure and control.
If you’ve read my book, taken my workshop, or are already familiar with my work, the next step is to apply for the Peace with Food Transformation Group. We’ll connect on a Clarity call, and together, we will decide if joining the Transformation Group is right for you!