As a somatic practitioner who supports people on the path to peace with food, it’s my honor to help you learn more about how we organize our ...
“The secret raisin society”
In his book “The Hunger Habit”, Dr Jud Brewer talks about "The Secret Raisin Society" - a tongue in cheek reference to a MBSR mindfulness ...
Accountability is a trap, let me show you why
“I just need someone to keep me accountable. I know what to do.”I hear this one so often from people who’ve tried to create a regular ...
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4 lessons from Somatic Summer Camp
I just returned from leading our summer retreat in Beyul and I want to share with you some of the practices that we enjoyed at the retreat, ...
Were you ever told that you are too much?
Some of us grew up being told we are too much. (Insert me holding a sign that says “Welcome to the too-much-ness club.”)When we are ...
We are going on retreat! Jump in!
You are invited tothe Peace with FoodSomatic Summer Camp!(note: our Summer Camp Retreat is full. Please send me an email if you'd like to be ...
Boundaries, the freeze response and food
I've never told anyone this, but when I wrote my book, it didn't have a chapter on boundaries. I wrote the boundary chapter last and ...
Somatic Boundaries Master Class
Early in my work I was finding over and over again that my students who struggled with food also struggled with establishing appropriate ...
The invisible drain of not feeling your emotions
In the midst of managing and surviving our full lives, a silent but profound energy drain often lurks beneath the surface—the cost of not ...
Read more about The invisible drain of not feeling your emotions
A free workshop on the neurobiology of shame and eating
I used to think that I needed to earn my food for the holidays. I would spend months and months restricting my intake, so that I could allow ...
Read more about A free workshop on the neurobiology of shame and eating
You know how to eat, your education may not be the issue…
If you are someone who's struggled with emotional eating for most of your life, you probably feel a mismatch between how you want to nourish ...
Read more about You know how to eat, your education may not be the issue…
When you’ve just been out with friends
Has this happened to you?You go out with friends, and have a nice meal. You enjoy the company and the conversation, but when you get home ...
Is the cure hidden in the pain?
"And every need brings in what's needed. Pain bares its cure like a child."It always struck me how Rumi wrote about pain. Pain as a ...
“I’ll do anything to not feel alone…”
It’s common for people who struggle with food to struggle with being alone.“I’ll take anything to distract me from being alone – food, wine, ...
It’s not enough to just look at the symptoms
8 years of teaching about food and the nervous system, and here is what I know!I meet people daily who are proficient at addressing the ...
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Why we resist emotion and some steps to take
There are many reasons we resist feeling our emotions, but if we had to give one main reason, it’s because they are accompanied by a bodily ...
Read more about Why we resist emotion and some steps to take
Tired of all the shoulds?
“I should really go on a diet…” – she said. And then quickly added:”But I am so tired of shoulds…”You probably have this friend, too. ...
What’s right about running away!
I work with many people who feel deeply flawed for not being able to "be regulated" with strong emotions. They can be relentlessly hard on ...