I've never told anyone this, but when I wrote my book, it didn't have a chapter on boundaries. I wrote the boundary chapter last and ...
You know how to eat, your education may not be the issue…
If you are someone who's struggled with emotional eating for most of your life, you probably feel a mismatch between how you want to nourish ...
Read more about You know how to eat, your education may not be the issue…
What your digestion might say about your boundaries
Many of my students have a hard time saying no. Perhaps this is you, too...As soon as the no rolls out of their mouth, they collapse, ...
Read more about What your digestion might say about your boundaries
When diet plans don’t go as planned…
I met with a lovely student the other day. He had just begun a new diet. “I read this book”, he said…”and what I read made sense, ...
She kept searching for a detox
"My weight has gone up and down for years. I am desperate for a detox or something right now. ...
I am burnt out, I have nothing left to give
“I am burnt out…I have nothing left to give…” This is what my student shared during her consultation to join a group. She was cooked. And ...
Why does emotional eating help?
My students generally agree when they emotionally eat it's almost like a surreal experience. Before they know it, it's over. And while it ...