Somatic Boundaries Master Class
Learn to Set and Hold Boundaries with Your Whole Body Free from Shame, Guilt and Overthinking
” I had no idea how much my difficulty with setting boundaries caused me to become overwhelmed and led to overthinking, exhaustion and ultimately, my issues with food! Now I can listen to my body and understand what it’s communicating!”
Sandra, Boundaries Master class participant
Boundaries matter.
Early in my work I was finding over and over again that my students who struggled with food also struggled with establishing appropriate boundaries.
They often failed to notice when someone crossed their boundary, had the hardest time saying no, and if they ever stood up for themselves they would be struck by intense feelings of guilt. The more energetically sensitive ones felt like they had no skin and would often overwork, overeat, and compulsively exercise to shut down how much of the emotional world of others they were registering inside their own bodies.
They would ask me questions like: How do I know that someone’s crossed my boundary before it’s too late and I am all pissed off? How do I deal with all the guilt and shame I feel after I set a boundary? What do I do if someone won’t respect my request despite being clear? And how do I tell between what’s mine and not mine?
Because these are questions to be answered with the whole body, last year I developed the first Boundary Master Class. It was so helpful that we’re holding it again – so you can learn how to harness your life force and set the boundaries that are your birthright to have!
I invite you to join me for this 8 week journey so that you can:
Learn to set appropriate boundaries and feel safe, settled and connected to your adult self
Hear the subtle signs and signals that your your nervous system gives you, so that you can more easily set a boundary in time
Reconnect with your life force and restore a sense of aliveness, inner power and agency
Discern which experiences in your body are yours and which belong to others
Understand the role of guilt and shame in setting boundaries and restore the capacity to remain steady on your own behalf
Create a daily somatic practice to reconnect with yourself, set, grow and strengthen your boundaries
Boundaries and food
When I talk to students about their daily struggles with food and we explore the source of their distress, we oftentimes see that their boundaries are too open, too rigid, or often switch between the two extremes.
We also discover over and over again that it’s energetically absolutely draining to overthink what to do or say in times of conflict, or to deal with massive guilt after authentically protecting your boundaries.
And what about the overwhelm of feeling responsible for everything and everyone? No wonder that food comes to the rescue.
Many of my students will turn to food when they are unable to set a boundary and when they’ve given so much of themselves that it takes extra food to replenish their energy. If they are not acting from the “human giver” position, they’ll eat to numb the discomfort of the fight-flight energy coursing through the bod anytime a boundary is needed. They might also eat to feel more grounded, real and present when they can’t sense where they end and another begins…There are as many variations of nervous system adaptations around boundaries and food behaviors as there are unique human stories and journeys.
You too may have felt unsafe, anxious and confused faced with a complex boundary issue and none of that is your fault. Our bodies are always working from a complex body memory bank of survival behaviors that don’t just affect how we think, but how we do everything – including setting boundaries.
Your body will show you how you do boundaries
Why is it that one moment I am giving all of myself to the world, spilling over to help everyone in need, and the next I am lying on the couch, escaping from everybody and not knowing how to come back into connection even with my closest people?
And why do I always feel so bad when I do what’s right for me or take time for myself?
How do I handle the guilt of setting a boundary?
And what about those people who don’t even see or respect my boundary even when I set it?
What do I do about feeling everyone’s emotions as if they are mine?
These questions and more are always in our space when we explore boundaries – and instead of just having a conversation about them, let’s do something different – let’s learn and practice, so that you can have the boundaries you’ve always wanted!
This class is for you if:
You want to discover your own boundary adaptations and start to relate to them from a present, embodied adult sense of self
You want to align what you intellectually know about right boundaries and the ability of your body to feel steady when setting a boundary
You are curious and ready to explore how your individual somatic experience relates to your ability to set and hold appropriate boundaries
You want an interactive learning environment where you can practice embodied skills and get feedback in real time
You often suffer from shame and guilt when you put yourself first
You would like to be able to stand up for yourself, face conflict and protect yourself when needed
Sign up the Somatic Boundaries Master Class Today
$397 before January 27, then $447, payment plans available
What can you expect from each class?
Theoretical understanding of both energetic and physical boundaries
Nervous system-focused practices to communicate with your body moment to moment – when by yourself and with others
Real life somatic life force skills for setting and holding appropriate boundaries
Strengthening of your ability to sense when a boundary has been breached and the state of your boundaries
Supportive and interactive learning environment – teacher and assistants available for insights, questions, modifications and feedback
How are classes structured?
We will meet each week for 8 weeks, Wednesdays from 3:30pm to 5:30pm PT on Zoom.
We begin on February 7, 2024 and end on March 27, 2024.
All classes are recorded, so if you have to miss a class, that’s OK.
Please note each class will have a lecture portion, as well as somatic practices to support your learning and nervous system. You will be able to share, ask questions and have direct feedback from your teacher.
Is this class appropriate for beginners?
Yes, you are welcome to a class, whether this is your first time learning somatic practices or you are a long time student of somatic healing approaches.
Do I have to do the practices in order to experience change?
The Master Class is organized in a way that you can start to experience and embody shifts as we are learning. Some of the tools and techniques can also support you as you prepare for real life interactions and to digest experiences around setting boundaries.
Do I have to attend the classes live?
You can choose to join us live or watch the recordings. You will miss opportunities for community sharing, discussions and live work with Galina, but will still benefit from all the practices and content.
Ready to feel the power of your life force?
We start soon, and we will be sharing helpful learning as soon as you sign up!
“LOVED the Boundaries Master Class in 2023! I see that boundaries are a life-long exploration but I now have a much better understanding of them and access to great practices, tools and materials to review. Thank you! ” Jody, Boundaries Master Class Student
A note from your teacher, Galina
As a somatic practitioner who supports people on the path to peace with food, it’s my honor to help you learn more about how we organize our bodies to establish, hold and maintain boundaries.
I myself used to struggle tremendously with boundaries. From the classic saying yes to everything that was asked of me, to feeling everyone else’s emotions as if they were mine.
I was constantly worried that someone would get upset with me if I stated my true wishes and preferences, but also ended up resenting my closest people for not seeing what I needed. Having poor boundaries left me depleted and disconnected, but also cost me a business, a marriage and several friendships that I will always feel missing in my life.
I didn’t just struggle emotionally. My body suffered, too. I dealt with hives and rashes, massive bloating in my stomach, and terrible headaches that had no medical explanation. I had adrenal fatigue, and could not recover from daily tasks. To numb it all down I was always obsessing about food and my body.
Back then, I had no idea I was struggling with boundaries, and as a sensitive person, I felt like I sponge. I could only be my own person if others approved of everything I was doing and if I was in service to others. I lived so much of my life for others. I was stretched between trying to please them and worrying that if I stopped, I would suffer more.
It took several years of really learning from my body and becoming masterful at understanding and honoring its signals before I had the kind of boundaries that allowed me to care for myself, be in reciprocal relationship with others, and also stay kind and open-hearted. I know you can have that too and wish that for you from the my whole heart!
-Galina Denzel, author and creator of Peace with Self, Peace with Food