Please email me at to be placed on the waiting list.
Would you like to feel comfortable, have inner peace, express yourself authentically, and finally be free from thoughts and concerns about food? Would you like to be at home in your body and be able to meet your emotions as the wise guides that they are? Can you imagine never again being hijacked by emotional eating and all the suffering that goes with it?
It is absolutely possible to have a fulfilling, healthy and beautiful life, without feeling limited by your eating habits or how you feel about your body.
But the journey starts with you.
I invite you to take the first step, learn, practice and change with me and a small group of dedicated women in a powerful live workshop format.
In the two days you will:
- learn about the neurobiology of emotional eating
- understand how early attachment influences eating behaviors
- practice tools and skills to balance the nervous system
- drop decades of shame and negative self-image
- become empowered to create the peaceful relationship with food you desire
- experience healing through social connection, art, music, movement, and creativity
See what one Peace With Food graduate says about her experience:
“Peace with Food with Galina it has been a transforming learning experience on many levels for me. Control with food for me has always been an issue. And I knew the tie to emotions, but could never effectively untangle the two without using restriction or distraction. And neither worked for long. Galina offered so much more as an expert teacher in her understanding of trauma and somatic work.Her teaching about nervous system regulation/dysregulation was key for me. It put me on a path of curiosity to note where my body was. And just in that, took away so much shame and self judgement around the drives for food. And then she taught ways to bring body into regulation that really worked. I could feel my body respond to what it was receiving and the emotional desire for food would diminish. Along the way, Galina, in her kind and compassionate way, has also helped me see expressing my needs for other things in life are key to living a full connected life. By not doing that, I continue to eat to soothe the unmet needs and my body grows with expansion instead of my soul.” Sue C
Peace with food is a very special small group workshop format for learning the effective tools that help you reframe your history with food, access the freedom available within the self-healing powers of the nervous system and really live with confidence, a sincere authentic connection to yourself, food and the wider circles of your belonging with your social group and the world. If you are ready for a change and want clarity about where thoughts, behaviors, judgements and your history with food stand in the way of you having a free, happy and peaceful relationship with food, this one day will be a major catalyst for a new chapter in your life. If you want to know the truth about how food behaviors serve your physiology and want to find new ways to help your nervous system be balanced and regulated – be ready to be amazed at how incredible your body is!
Here is a little bit about the format, the schedule and some extra housekeeping details:
If you feel like food is a daily focus of your life, you experience emotional eating episodes, you stop and start diets, swing between restricting and overindulging, if you are afraid of food, have conflicting feelings about what foods are good and nourishing and what foods don’t support your goals, or just plain want a life where food is just food and doesn’t bring excess baggage with it, this experience is for you.
The outcome of this group work is to transform and reclaim a new relationship with food. It’s to uncover the deep patterns that drive feeding or not feeding behaviors (yes, you will find eating and restricting are two sides of the same pattern) and to give you back the freedom to enjoy life, your relationship with yourself and the opportunities to eat, have fun, grow and feel right in your body!
Ultimately, you will not only KNOW, but feel and live the truth that it’s not about the food. In fact, not much of our time during this transformational event is ever spent on talking and working with food, we dive deep into the unconscious patterns and survival physiology that guides the behaviors. We move through it personally, and as a group! We find freedom.
The format is a group session format, with lecture, discussion, self and group inquiry and small group and couples exercises. The exercises can range from talking, to drawing, writing, doing gentle movement, self touch or supportive touch, quiet reflection and meditation. All exercises are fun, playful and gentle and require no previous experience. All materials are provided.
Friday, March 6 and Saturday, March 7, 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah at Align Integration and Movement
Friday 5:o0 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Each day is structured with appropriate short breaks and a lunch break on Saturday where the group eats together. Lunch will be catered, and light refreshments available. Once your payment has been received, you will get a registration form outlining food preferences.
Nervous system regulation work requires a good, available energy. I will be emailing you a list of suggested foods and drinks that you can enjoy during the day and in the lunch break. We will enjoy lunch together, as a lunch and community discussion time, so please be prepared to use our lunch break to get to know others in the group and have fun.
Make sure you are dressed comfortably. You will sit in a chair, or the floor, as you like, but also stand and move around. Layer up as you may get warm and then cool off. A nice warm cover like a shawl is great for the quiet practices. Bring a notepad to take notes. Above all bring your curiosity and openness! Bring your dreams and aspirations! Get ready to connect with your whole being – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually!
Early bird registration – $189 if paid in full before February 20 and $229 after February 20
Please email me at if you’d like to pay via check or give me a credit card number over the phone.
For an immediate saving of your spot and online payment, please click here – enroll via PayPal
Registration is final upon payment. There is a very limited number of spots available for this small group format. Click here to complete payment.
Learning and growth require practice and time, so each participant will get special access to an online library of exercises, so you can continue to solidify the changes you experience in the workshop. You will also be invited to an alumni Facebook group, where you can ask questions, have discussions and be with others who have been through the Peace with Food workshops and groups.
I hope to see you live in Salt Lake City, soon! Please email me with any questions you might have!
Before you click away, let’s see what a participant says about this work:
“Before I started this work I did not understand my relationship with food and why I couldn’t seem to exercise control over eating certain foods. I villain-ized foods and categorized them as “good” and “bad”. I was in a constant state of some level of shame as I judged myself based on whether I had consumed “good” or “bad” food that day. I have learned that there are no “good” or “bad” foods and that food actually has very little to do with my eating and lack of control. Galina has supported me in learning to recognize that I have needs and that it is okay to give a voice to them. I have a right to express my needs and to expect them to be met. It is acceptable and normal for me to get angry. She has helped me realize that food was not what the emptiness and the anger were all about. The eating was a physical “process” that calmed me. The “process” was what gave me a place to numb the anger and try to calm myself. I have learned that expressing my needs as they arise and being “brave” enough to not be immobilized by fear of doing so is key. Learning how to speak out and how to calm my body in ways other than eating have been key for me to learn to be my “true” self and to live an authentic life.” Janet H