Nourish your nervous system. Quiet the food noise. Find peace with food.
In this online workshop, you will finally make sense of the science behind emotional eating. Plus, you’ll take home somatic tools to support your nervous system and begin to nourish yourself with more presence and ease.
Stressed to Nourished workshops happen monthly. Next up Sun, March 16, 2025 at 9 – 11 am PST
“Galina presented the information in a very gentle and relatable way, which allowed me to have compassion for myself as I learned that my nervous system, stress level and emotions all have worked intricately together to create my current eating habits. It was never about self-control.”
– Monica Catalan

You want to transform your relationship with food now.
I get how much the struggle with food steals from your life and robs you of self-trust and well-being. And that you want to be at peace with food and do something right away.
What I have discovered for myself and the students I help daily is that completely transforming our relationship with food is possible, but it happens in several logical steps which create an inner transformative process.
To have the change you desire, you first need to understand the real reasons behind your emotional eating behaviors. The physiology adapted for survival and the physiology of nourishment express differently in our bodies, and flexibly navigating between the two takes education, self-knowledge and skill.
Once you know why you eat the way you do, you can start to let go of the shame, self-blame, and constant pressure to do better. Instead of dealing with symptoms, you can address the cause at the root. Instead of grasping at straws and hoping that a metabolic reset or new diet plan will finally help you find a way to shift your emotional eating habits, you can have a sure way to support your body, which allows you to create the conditions for successful and sensitive nourishment.
It could be simpler than you think.
When you have the right key, unlocking the secret to changing your eating behaviors is possible.
Many people come to me thinking that they need to drastically change their life in order to free themselves from emotional eating. But the truth is sudden and complete change doesn’t really happen with the wave of a magic wand – when we have years of suffering and a body that has been numbed by restriction and overeating, the behaviors can’t disappear with a diet or mindset shift, no matter how great those look on the surface and how promising those before and after photos appear to be.
As a somatic therapist who specializes in disordered eating, I know the kind of impact that early developmental trauma, overwhelming stress, sensory overload and lack of support have on the nervous system. With trauma and persistent pain, healing happens one step at a time without destabilizing the physiology. I can assure you that your system can balance itself gradually and gently with the right tools and practices. While this path takes a shorter time for some people and longer for others, once the trauma imprints and survival adaptations that were at the root of your symptoms start to dissolve, your food suffering also dissolves. And now food can just be food.
Here’s what I can promise.
There is no one magic hack or shortcut to undo years of food suffering. Yet, daily I work with brave people who are learning and following the map I have created from my own decades of struggle and working with hundreds of people who struggle with food and who have been impacted by trauma. In this live online workshop, you will get your own map and start your own journey to peace with food.
You’ll walk away from this workshop with the following:
– Understanding the science that explains why you eat the way you do.
– Answers and insights into your own nervous system adaptations.
– Tools you can practice anywhere to balance your biology.
– Access to recorded practices to support yourself in learning and growth.
– And most importantly, a path to regaining your hope and reconnecting to your power.
Take the first step to nourishing your nervous system and find peace with food.
Freedom from emotional eating is waiting for you
Grounding and peace!
I felt a deep sense of grounding and peace during and after the class, I appreciate your lightness of being and teaching with so much openness and grace. I felt a visceral shift in my relationship with myself and with food that is still unfolding. Thank you for this gift.
Workshop StudentIt took away the shame
Galina’s approach to surround the whole topic with compassion has made this journey so much kinder.
Peace with food put me on a path of curiosity to note where my body was. And just in that, took away so much shame and self judgement around the drives for food
Workshop StudentTransformative!
Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for the mind-blowing experience of yesterday’s workshop. I can’t begin to express how revolutionary this has been for me.
I’m 74 and food/weight/body has been a life-long battle. Yesterday’s workshop experience was transformative. Your words resonated deeply and I saw for the first time this “problem” actually made sense and was the best a small child could do to regulate her nervous system.
Workshop StudentShame and blame fell away
This was a marvelous meeting where a lifelong habit of innocent misperceptions, blame and shame, and desperately seeking a fix collapsed and fell away.
Workshop StudentFAQ
Can I watch this workshop right away?
This workshop is live and happens once a month. When you register on the course platform (Teachable) you will immediately gain access to several practices you can begin to learn before the workshop, but we’ll meet on a specific date each month. The last workshop of this year is Dec 21, 2024.
Is this one of those workshops that tries to sell you a program?
No. This workshop is a stand alone piece of education which actually teaches you how emotional eating and the nervous system are connected. I am happy to tell you more about my 6 month Transformation Group Program if you are interested after the workshop, but this is not a marketing or sales webinar. Glad you asked!
Can I benefit from this as a professional?
Yes. I have done my best to make the content accessible to people of all levels of understanding of the material, yet professionals have found it incredibly helpful to their work. If you are a coach, RD, Nutritionist, or if you are a mental health professional, this content will benefit you. Please note this is not a professionals-only workshop, nor does it offer professional or CE credits.

Join thousands of students
who are moving
“The Stressed to Nourished Workshop changed not just my relationship with food. My whole life has been transformed.” – Asia Raykova
Dear friend walking the path to peace with food, I am writing you from my heart to remind you that in this workshop I won’t be teaching you how to lose weight or what to do when you find yourself wanting to eat at night. There won’t be any hacks, shortcuts or quick fixes. You’ve already tried those and you know they don’t work in any lasting way.
I created this workshop to give you real tools to nourish your nervous system and regain your power. You’ll come away from this workshop with greater perspective and understanding, especially if other approaches haven’t worked for you in the past. Over the years, I’ve had thousands of students experience great freedom through the gentle trauma healing approach for emotional eating that I teach in this workshop and in our online school. I’d love for you to join us and reconnect with the wisest parts of your physiology, I’d love for you to become your most trusted ally. And I am here for you when as you take this step, and the next, and the next.
-Galina Ivanova Denzel, Author of Peace with Self, Peace with Food